Jessica's Big Little World
- 22. 11. 2024, 7:30
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Rain Rescue. Jessica rescues her toys from the backyard as rain approaches. (10 min)
No task is too big, even when you're little! Set to debut in 2023, this preschool spinoff centers on the Creek's favorite resilient little sister, Jessica, as she navigates her way through a world where everything seems much bigger than she is. Although she's the youngest and still needs help with a lot, Jessica is inspired by the grown-ups and bigger kids around her and is persistent in her quest to conquer monumental kid tasks like creating a bedtime routine or saying hi to a new classmate. With the help of her friends, imaginary and real, Jessica sets off to take on the world, even if she still does suck her thumb...sometimes.
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