/ TV program



  • 7. 11. 2024, 4:40

JOURNEY BACK. Peter and his team return to Lesotho once more to pursue their dreams of finding big diamonds. The rainy season is supposed to be over but they have to make their way down the dangerous mountain roads during a violent hailstorm. They setup the mining operation again after a 3 month break, but the machinery is rusted and they battle to get the TLB running. To combat the technical problems they had last time, a new team member has been recruited: Alan, a pump specialist. They have also brought up a bigger CAT earthmover and a Hopper has been specially constructed to turn over more ground. They have invested heavily in new machinery to try and increase productivity, but still face daily technical problems. The investors all have concerns about Gary, who is looking extremely thin and haggard after the break. They begin to suspect he may have a drug problem. The new CAT is delivered to the mining site, but it breaks down on the first day. Mining resumes once Kim and Alan get the pumps up and running, and the CAT is repaired by Warren. The rivers rise after heavy rains and the team are unable to cross the first river. The CAT becomes stuck trying to get up the riverbank. They try to dig their way out, but it doesn’t work and the CAT becomes trapped in the river. A site for the hopper is found and it is a huge combined effort to get it assembled. As they complete the task, they are hit by a huge storm and a flash flood tears through the mining site. The miners scramble to save the machinery from being swept away by the rising water. Rob and Peter confront Gary about his work ethic and drug use. At first Gary denies this, but then admits that he has been using drugs. He is not in good shape and claims to be sick but Rob is convinced that his drug problem is keeping him from work. He is not aware that a decision has already been made to fire him. Warren takes it upon himself to break the bad news to Gary. He leaves after an emotional farewell with Warren. The inlet hose is fitted to the hopper and the team are optimistic about its ability to move more ground once it is operational. Peter has some luck at the sorting table and finds a small, but valuable diamond.

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