- 14. 11. 2024, 21:30
EP. 11. Almost all animals living in the sea are predators - from small fish to great white sharks and starfish to giant squid. Their bodies have been designed and built to capture prey and avoid becoming prey themselves. Raiders of the Underwater Universe have evolved to become among the more efficient war machines of our planet. There are "predators lurking" as stone fish, cleverly disguising themselves to wait for unsuspecting prey which wander too close. In an episode that illustrates the Race of Life in an underwater world of dangerous predators with razor-sharp teeth, we will see sharks, barracuda and moray eels go about their grisly business. Underwater predators have adapted some fairly extreme measures to hunt and to survive. The fish of the reef need to be fast to escape the barracuda, with its lightning speed and pincushion teeth. And stay on the alert when they swim near the lairs of the moray eel, a large and lethal creature of perhaps surprising grace and beauty. They may be ambushed by the also elegant - but deadly – lionfish. The knitting needle spines of the lionfish are capable of injecting deadly venom. Or if equally unlucky, prey can be sucked into the huge mouth of a stonefish. With so many hungry mouths to feed, it’s a jungle down there.
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