- 18. 11. 2024, 17:35
Baja California - a 1000 mile long desert peninsula. The Sea of Cortez, separating it from the Mexican mainland, is studded with islands, large and small.It’s a sea teeming with lifeThe islands may be barren but oceanic upwellings draw in massive schools of fishAnd this richness attracts the inevitable predators. Biologically speaking, this is the richest body of water on our entire planet. The calm waters among the islands are perfect breeding grounds, creatures migrating thousands of miles to spawn their next generation here. Primeval forces draw giants here on an annual migration from frozen northern seas. Other creatures also travel thousands of miles to nest here on tiny dots in the ocean. The sea of Cortez has been relentlessly exploited by man, driving some species to the brink of extinction. Yet this almost land-locked sea also provides evidence of the remarkable resilience of the ocean. And it also shows us how we humans can sometimes make a difference...
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