- 21. 11. 2024, 15:05
IN THE KINGDOM OF SHARKS - PART 2 (CUBA). In this incredible eco-system of mangroves, reefs and sandy sea beds of the labyrinth of small islands and channels that make up the archipelago of Los Jardines de la Reina, in Cuba, you can find marine birds, many different species of fish and mammals native to this area such as the hutia. However, the main attraction of this place are the sharks that come here to feed in great numbers. So in the company of an expert diver Noel and a biologist Andrea, we meet the two principle species of shark that populate these waters: the silk sharks, Noel’s faithful playmates and the most feared, the Caribbean reef shark. Noel takes us underwater water scuba-diving with Andrea in apnoea: they both show us that these sharks are not dangerous.
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