- 21. 11. 2024, 22:00
EP. 01. The mighty grizzly bear. The tiny powerful ant. The lunging inimitable crocodile. The indestructible rhino beetle. The hammering mantis shrimp. Which is the strongest of them all? GRIZZLY BEAR In the rugged beauty of North Americas sub-alpine lands patrols its mightiest resident….. ANTS With over 12 thousand species the ants of the world come in great variety, but they are all tough, strong territorial defenders of their realms, and will dispatch unwanted guests with relish….. CROCODILE For as long as rivers have flowed, dark reptiles have governed their waters. The unmistakable jaw of a crocodile possesses the most powerful bite force of any animal ever recorded – rivaling even the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex….. RHINO BEETLE With their mighty trees and flowing rivers, forests are symbols of great towering strength – yet scurrying over the plants, branches and leaf litter below is a creature so strong it can lift 850 times its own weight….. MANTIS SHRIMP Not only does the colorful mantis shrimp have the most complex and bizarre looking eyes in the animal kingdom, it can deliver a blow with the equivalent force of a .22 calibre bullet. …..
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