- 22. 11. 2024, 4:35
LEOPARD DAY. Today’s mission is to track and locate leopard, however there is no range or time requirement. They simply need to see a leopard, take a photograph and have it certified by their guides to qualify. The best leopard photograph of the day will be judged by wildlife photographer, Kimi Stewart. All teams are upbeat as they locate plenty of fresh leopard spoor, but in the morning session, only team Devil and Prada qualify by spotting a leopard on top of a hill. A filming task is added to this episode and presented by Kim Wolhuter, one of the finest wildlife film makers in Africa. The teams are given one video camera each and asked to capture the best 30 second wildlife clip of the day. Team terminator choose to film a hyena den and Kate is awestruck as the inquisitive mother hyena walks over and touches her. Team Devil and Prada film an awesome buffalo stampede but there is one problem….Karina forgets to press record!! The afternoon leopard mission turns out to be frustrating as team Terminator and the Invincibles fail to sight a leopard, bumping Devil and Prada way in the lead.
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