/ TV program



  • 23. 11. 2024, 19:30

PENGUIN WITH A PAINFUL NECK. The dilemma faced by every 21st Century wildlife park is how to attract and educate the public, while maintaining first class conditions for its inhabitants and leading the way in scientific research and environmental protection. Tucked away in the Canary Islands, one zoo is providing a masterclass in the art. For the past 2 years running, Loro Parque has been voted “The World’s Best Zoo” by subscribers of Trip Advisor, echoing the highest possible accreditations of animal welfare, conservation and environmental bodies across the globe. It is now considered more popular than the prestigious San Diego, Singapore, ZooParc de Beauval, Prague, Chester and St.Louis Zoos. So how has a privately-owned zoo in a Spanish colony off the West coast of Africa earned such recognition? How does it balance the meticulous care and presentation of thousands of species, with the multi-million-dollar research and conservation programs dedicated to saving many of them from extinction? What’s the strategy behind its educational commitment to turning every pleasure-seeking tourist into a die-hard environmentalist? And who manages the harvest of tonnes of organic fruit needed to feed the animals daily? What began 45 years ago with one man’s passion for animals and an obsession with excellence has become a monument to best practice ideals. Boasting leading experts in all branches of zoology, animal handling, nutrition and veterinary science, as well as state of the art facilities and cutting-edge technology, Loro Parque talks the talk and walks the walk. Animal Embassy peels back the layers of Loro Parque to expose its pumping heart: the intimate connections, the scale of operations, the dramas, the discoveries, the camaraderie, the hilarity, the uncompromising attention to detail and the unshakable devotion to animal welfare. Entertaining, inspiring and informative, this series is packed with engaging, returnable characters – both animal and human. The dilemma faced by every 21st Century wildlife park is how to attract and educate the public, while maintaining first class conditions for its inhabitants and leading the way in scientific research and environmental protection. Tucked away in the Canary Islands, one zoo is providing a masterclass in the art. For the past 2 years running, Loro Parque has been voted “The World’s Best Zoo” by subscribers of Trip Advisor, echoing the highest possible accreditations of animal welfare, conservation and environmental bodies across the globe. It is now considered more popular than the prestigious San Diego, Singapore, ZooParc de Beauval, Prague, Chester and St.Louis Zoos. So how has a privately-owned zoo in a Spanish colony off the West coast of Africa earned such recognition? How does it balance the meticulous care and presentation of thousands of species, with the multi-million-dollar research and conservation programs dedicated to saving many of them from extinction? What’s the strategy behind its educational commitment to turning every pleasure-seeking tourist into a die-hard environmentalist? And who manages the harvest of tonnes of organic fruit needed to feed the animals daily? What began 45 years ago with one man’s passion for animals and an obsession with excellence has become a monument to best practice ideals. Boasting leading experts in all branches of zoology, animal handling, nutrition and veterinary science, as well as state of the art facilities and cutting-edge technology, Loro Parque talks the talk and walks the walk. Animal Embassy peels back the layers of Loro Parque to expose its pumping heart: the intimate connections, the scale of operations, the dramas, the discoveries, the camaraderie, the hilarity, the uncompromising attention to detail and the unshakable devotion to animal welfare. Entertaining, inspiring and informative, this series is packed with engaging, returnable characters – both animal and human.

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