- 27. 11. 2024, 14:45
RODRIGUEZ, THE LAST PARADISE ON EARTH. Our destination is the island of Rodrigues, in the Mascarene archipelago, a volcanic folly that is only 109 square kilometres surrounded by an uncontaminated coral reef. We visit the island and discover its’ beauty on land, underground and also underwater. In the Francois Leguat protected reserve we are privileged to see hundreds of Tortoises, a varying ages and sizes, as they mate undisturbed by our presence and our cameras. A local guide takes us to discover a system of caves that develops 18 metres below sea level. But it is the population of Rodriguez that surprises us the most: A people who have not adopted different ways or customs, but that live their lives proudly with the knowledge that they are fortunate to have been born in such an island paradise both on land and sea.
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