- 29. 11. 2024, 14:50
THE ISLAND OF WONDERS. A journey to Brazil, to Fernando de Noronha, of which three-quarters is a protected Marine Park and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. A paradise that is characterized by breathtaking landscapes with volcanic hills that plunge down into the incredible emerald green sea. Together with two authentic Brazilians, we explore the beaches, some of the most beautiful in the world, and where we are able to see, live, the hatching of baby turtles. But it is the dolphin " stenella longirostris" the true star of this trip to Brazil: the so-called rotating dolphin, a very friendly species that is able to perform rotating acrobatic leaps out of the water and that here on Fernando de Noronha, is the second largest community of these dolphins in the world.
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