Knowledge is the Beginning
- 24. 11. 2024, 18:52
Award-winning documentary ‘Knowledge is the Beginning’ (2005) tells the story of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. German film maker Paul Smaczny followed the orchestra since its inception in 1999, when Israeli conductor/pianist Daniel Barenboim and Palestinian writer Edward Said started this initiative to bring together young musicians from across the political divide in the Middle East. The documentary shows how prejudices are surmounted during rehearsals, concerts, and laid-back post-concert celebrations. It also demonstrates what problems crop up and how music can help people of different views to find common ground. Footage of summer workshops in Weimar and Seville, Barenboim’s visits to Ramallah and Jerusalem in 2004, and the orchestra’s 2005 European tour add to the attraction of this insightful film. (127 min)
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