- 21. 11. 2024, 4:30
LION DAY. Today’s mission is to track and locate lion, get within 50 meters on foot or vehicle and stay in that range for 10 minutes to qualify. The best lion photograph of the day will be judged by wildlife photographer, Kimi Stewart. Barrel the guide for Devil and Prada, creates much needed humour and team spirit as he attaches Karina’s blonde hair extensions to his head! The morning session proves to be very valuable for the lagging Devil and Prada team, as they locate a big lion pride including cubs for additional bonus points. A fishing task is added to up the ante and Jesse, (from the Devil and Prada team) begins by eating an earth worm for extra luck! Michael from team terminator miraculously manages to catch a fish in the shallows with his hands! After much humour and antics, it’s back to the afternoon lion session and the Invincibles strike by also locating a lion pride. Team terminator walk for miles as they track down lion spoor but are unfortunate to catch up to the pride before the cut off time. They do however bump into 2 black rhino on the way and enjoy the moment. Kimi has only 2 photographs to judge tonight and the leaderboard table does a complete turn!
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