- 28. 11. 2024, 15:15
Dark matter, which is unknown and undetectable in our physical models, would appear to populate the cosmos on a massive scale. For the first time, a film portrays the wild scientific quest that dark matter gives rise to. A real thriller. In our physical models, the weight of all observable matter (stars, galaxies, etc.) accounts for just 4% of the universe, whereas an invisible, unknown matter that no tool has ever been able to detect appears to populate the universe on a massive scale. Today, astrophysicists and cosmologists - researchers in the fields of the infinitely large and the infinitely small - are joining forces to solve a major mystery: what is this famous “dark matter” made up of? A breath-taking thriller that leads us to the dawn of a scientific and metaphysical revolution, akin to Copernic’s or Galileo’s. It could totally change the way we perceive our world. 2013 : Best film Award at the International Science Film Festival (Athens, Greece).
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