/ TV program


DORA (3)

  • 14. 11. 2024, 9:30


The Alebrije Adventure / Let's Get A Paleta. Dora is approached by Ale the Alebrije, protector of the rainforest. She says the Alebrijes need Dora's help, because their special Alebrije Tree is wilting without its magical rainbow water. Without the tree, the Alebrijes are losing their magic powers! Dora, Boots, and Ale set out to find the source of the rainbow water and restore it to the tree. In the Crystal Caves, they uncover an ancient puzzle and solve it, allowing the rainbow water to flow once more. The Alebrijes all celebrate with their new heroes: Dora, Boots, and the viewer! / On a super hot day, Dora's family are all craving refreshing ice cold paletas. Dora looks for Val's paleta truck in Map, and finds her...stuck in the Sunny Sand Dunes! Dora and Boots set out to rescue her, bringing Isa, Benny, Tico, and Tico's new robot Bip Bip along. Bip Bip uses his special Frio power to make an icy path down the dunes to Val's truck, which is lifted out of the sand by a friendly dragon. Back home, everyone enjoys yummy paletas.

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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