/ TV program


DORA (9)

  • 16. 11. 2024, 3:00


Tres Leches Trouble / Wizzle Wozzle Woo. Benny made a giant tres leches cake for his abuela, and can't wait her to try the delicate and delicious treat. But when the path to Benny's barn is blocked, Abuela can't make it! Dora vows that if Benny's abuela can't come to the cake, they can take the cake to Benny's abuela. Along the way, Dora, Boots, and Benny must protect the cake from falling nuts, sudden thunderstorms, and of course Swiper, and successfully surprise Benny's abuela with the tasty treat./ The Fiesta Trio come running to Dora in a panic, without their iconic instruments. They were practicing in the Musical Forest when they heard a strange spooky sound: "Wizzle Wozzle Woo!" Dora guides them across the rainforest back to the Musical Forest so they can find out the source of the sound and get their instruments back, picking up other curious friends along the way who want to find out what could be making that wacky noise. The Fiesta Trio are relieved to learn that the Wizzle Wozzle Woo was just the Big Red Chicken snoring in a kazoo bush!

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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