/ TV program



  • 27. 11. 2024, 17:50


The Floor Is Guava / We Are The Grumples. It's Banana Fest, and Boots is celebrating in style: he's even wearing a banana costume! Things are going great until the Guava Geyser erupts, covering everything in gooey sticky guava. Boots doesn't want Banana Fest to be ruined, so he and Dora set off to the Geyser, avoiding the sticky pools of guava on the way. With the help of Isa's flower float which uses Chompy to chomp up the globs of guava, they make it to the geyser where Boots makes the ultimate sacrifice: he uses his banana suit to plug up the geyser. When they return, Boots discovers that he loves the combination of guava and bananas! / It's Picture Day, but the Grumpy Old Troll runs away just before they take the picture! Dora and Boots follow him to a wacky world under his bridge,where they solve challenges from silly little creatures called the Grumples. They find the Troll who says he doesn't want to smile for the picture, and Dora tells him that's fine: they like him whether he smiles or not! He returns and they all take a great picture.

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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