/ TV program



  • 29. 11. 2024, 21:30


Partly Claudia / Ranita's Magic Stripes. Dora and Boots want to get to a water slide with their friends, but the water's all dried up! They meet Claudia, a super energetic rain cloud, and Dora asks if she can come with them to the water slide so she can bring the water back. Claudia agrees: she loves to rain! Along the way, Claudia's rain and wind powers come in handy to cross obstacles, like watering a plant that grows across a canyon so Dora can safely cross. Claudia rains on the slide saves the day! / It's Dora reads a story about how whenever someone's not feeling well, saying "Sana Sana colita de rana" summons a magic frog that heals them! Just then, Boots walks in with a bad case of Tickle Tail. Dora summons Ranita, but she doesn't have her magic stripes yet, and Tickle Tail can only be cured with magic. To earn her stripes, Dora, Boots, and Ranita travel across the rainforest helping friends in need like Chompy, Tico, and even Swiper! With her stripes filled out, Ranita is able to cure Boots from his Tickle Tail.

DORA is back for more fantastical adventures in the magical rainforest! Join the most outstanding little kid explorer in the world, and her best friend Boots as they discover new fun and new friends; the sky is the limit! ?Vámonos!

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