Christa Ludwig - Tribute to Vienna
- 11. 12. 2024, 2:17
Christa Ludwig offers a last performance before taking her leave of the opera and concert stage. In a final Lieder recital from the Wiener Musikverein, honouring the city that has seen her greatest triumphs and that has been her spiritual home, Ms. Ludwig performs a select repertoire of Beethoven, Schubert, Mahler and Wolf. She had given her first recital at this historic venue in 1965, only six years after her debut at the Metropolitan Opera. Now, before a huge audience of understandably adoring classical music lovers, she returns to the stage of numerous solo triumphs with a carefully chosen program of Lieder. Ludwig is accompanied by pianist Charles Spencer. The concert takes place at the Wiener Musikverein in 1994. (93 min)
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