M. Armanini & Qiu Xia He – Dream
- 17. 12. 2024, 23:18
Intercultural chamber music ensemble AU Ensemble performs ‘Dream (as a Dream)’, written by Canadian contemporary composer Mark Armanini and Chinese pipa player Qiu Xia He. The composition is inspired by a poem by Chinese poet Li Qing Zhao (1084-ca.1155). In this performance, Qiu Xia plays the pipa, a Chinese four-stringed instrument; and Andre Thibault plays percussion. The string quartet consists of violinists Mark Destrube and Andrea Shiradze, violist Tawnya Popoff, and cellist Jake Klinkenborg. Since 1990, in-demand composer Armanini has been writing for various combinations of Asian and Western instruments. Armanini’s prize-winning repertoire has been performed by ensembles including the CBC Radio Orchestra, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, and the Edmonton Symphony. This performance was recorded at the Armory Studios in Vancouver, Canada, in September 2022. (41 min)
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