/ TV program


Handel - Agrippina

  • 31. 12. 2024, 0:00

Schwetzingen, a small German town near Heidelberg, boasts a famous palace with gardens as magnificent as those at Versailles. In the spring, the palace is the backdrop for the Schwetzingen Festival. Every year, the festival commissions a small-scale opera for the palace's exquisite Rococo theatre, built in 1752. Agrippina is a brilliant early George Frideric Handel opera. Composed when he was just twenty-four, it was Handel's first big hit in the theater. It’s full of his fresh, exuberantly inventive music, and set to a libretto by Cardinal Vincenzo Grimani, one of the finest librettists Handel ever worked with. This staging of Agrippina was recorded under the baton of Arnold Östman, a renowned specialist in the music of the 17th and 18th centuries. The London Baroque Players accompany Barbara Daniels, Janice Hall, and David Kuebler in Michael Hampe's elegant and colourful production that shows us the perfidious intrigues of the power-crazy Empress Agrippina, and the criminal power struggles in classical Rome. (154 min)

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