- 3. 12. 2024, 2:30
Music Voyager is a music and travel broadcast series (television/cable, broadband, in-flight and mobile) that invites viewers to discover the exciting sounds of the planet. The host is Jacob Edgar, an explorer who does not search for lost cities or ancient ruins. He's on the quest for a different kind of treasure…music. As an ethnomusicologist and world music record producer, Edgar travels the globe hunting for the best songs the world has to offer, and he suffers through some of the worst…so you don’t have to. Along the way, he's rewarded with a backstage pass to concert halls, street festivals, recording studios and rehearsal rooms. With local musicians as his guide, Edgar tastes exotic and occasionally ghastly food, visits off-the-beaten path attractions and parties the night away to amazing concerts at hidden venues that only the locals know. Join music voyager for unexpected adventures and surprising discoveries that unveil the magic, mystery and music of far off lands.
Další díly
- 2. 12. 2024, 2:00 MUSIC VOYAGER - (1)
- 2. 12. 2024, 2:30 MUSIC VOYAGER - (2)
- 3. 12. 2024, 2:00 MUSIC VOYAGER - (2)
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