- 7. 12. 2024, 23:15
EP. 02. Ray Mears journeys into the remote wilderness region of Arnhem land to the Cooper Creek Billabong. He’s there during the dry season and all the wild life is concentrated into a narrow stretch of water. He comes face to face with the dominant saltwater crocodile and watches as the croc manoeuvres a dead pig down river to a secret hiding place. When Ray gets too close warns him off.Ray travels into Stone Country above the Billabong where he finds a gallery of ancient Aboriginal art and joins locals Connie Nayinggul and her grandson Moses on a fishing expedition. They catch a barramundi and cook the fish in a traditional ground oven using paper bark.Finally Ray travels with land manager Greg Towns across the dried up mudflats through giant flocks of Magpie Geese. Ray helps Greg to burn away large meadows of alien and destructive grass that is killing the birds. In a dramatic scene Ray witnesses the spectacle of farming with fire.
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