- 8. 12. 2024, 13:00
EP. 04. The charming kangaroo. The cuddly koala. The beautiful Butterfly. The cheerful clown fish. Or the endearing budgerigar – which is the cutest of them all? Clownfish - The warm tropical waters of the world's oceans are home to a dazzling array of beautiful marine life. Kangaroo - Across Australia thousands upon thousands of kangaroos bound over the countryside. Their super powered legs are born to hop. Monach butterfly- The stunning Monarch butterflies that fill the skies are some of the most beautiful and delicate of all of the world's insects. Budgerigar - Wild budgerigars or "Budgies" are social nomadic little parrots that come together in their hundreds to fly in lively undulating flocks. Koala - the adorable soft-furred cuddly koala is one of the world's most well loved little creatures and one of Australia’s favorite residents.
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