- 8. 12. 2024, 13:55
EP. 06. The legendary wild dingo, the iconic kangaroos, vicious feral cats, the delightfully bizarre platypus and the unmistakably cuddly koala - all call Australia home. KOALA One of Australia’s most recognizable creatures spends most of its life hidden from view in the comfort of the gum trees it calls home. DINGO Dingoes have been in Australia for thousands of years. Descended from wolves these agile canines are sleek and efficient hunters. Lithe, elegant, ferocious and highly alert these magnificent pack hunting animals are Australia’s largest land carnivores. KANGAROOS Of all Australia’s one hundred and forty marsupials, the kangaroos are the most iconic, their bounding strides summing up the very essence of the land. WILD CATS Australia is home to over 12 million wild house cats. These lithe, nimble felines are the only cats in Australia and have made homes for themselves in every part of the country – from rainforests to desert, to woodlands and grasslands. PLATYPUS Of all the animals that have evolved in Australia, there is one that is more intriguing, more enchanting and more unique than any other.
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