- 9. 12. 2024, 8:15
OLD AND NEW DELHI: A CITY OF CONTRASTS. We explore the capital of India. The bustling metropolis is filled with modern skyscrapers that stand side-by-side with hundreds of ancient monuments, making Delhi a physical dichotomy of yesterday and tomorrow. In the old city, we travel by rickshaw through the narrow streets and discover a world that is quickly disappearing. Then it’s on to the tomb of Humayun, whose architectural design inspired one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the great Taj Mahal. We visit 2 mosques that are in the record books: the very first mosque in Delhi and the largest mosque in India. Next we visit the National Gandhi Museum where we view personal items from Gandhi’s life, visit a temple that’s open to all faiths and complete the quickest tour of India, without leaving Delhi.
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