/ TV program



  • 19. 12. 2024, 14:55

EP. 10. Some have powerful strides and flashing teeth, some employ poisons and trickery, so we know for sure that predators are well equipped for survival. But this episode reveals the unique ways in which animals protect themselves. Obviously, being able to flee a predator is the choice of many prey animals but there are also very interesting methods of defense which involve deception and chemistry. These include using toxic chemicals, camouflage, and mimicry. Insects that look like leaves, snakes that play dead, fish that fly, and toads with poisonous skin, these animals are among the many creatures that defend themselves in fascinating ways. Almost every animal is hunted as food by some other kind of animal and has developed ways to defend itself against predators. The relationship between predator and prey is a bit like an evolutionary arms race. As soon as one develops a weapon or defense mechanism, the other is working on an adaptation that allows them to circumvent that mechanism. Common defense mechanisms include claws, teeth, camouflage, poison, mimicry, and adaptations like echolocation. Some animals will spray toxic or foul smelling liquids at predators. Many animals have developed sophisticated defense mechanisms to help them avoid predation. Similar kinds of defenses have evolved in different species with slight variations. From the vice-like jaws of the hyena to the gunshot speed of the frog, from the strong-as-steel silk of the spider to the hypnotic patterns of the zebra, and the awesome antlers of the deer. A strong defence is key to winning the race of life.

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