- 19. 12. 2024, 23:40
EP. 03. Peppered across Africa are a few iconic locations that are renowned for killing action. Arenas bathed in a history of blood, places where Africa’s icons have hunted successfully for generations. Predators here develop unique and clever ways to hunt. But the circumstances aren’t the driving factor in this story. Sometimes these predators look for the perfect patch of ground to kill, a small area of long grass, or a single path that leads to the perfect ambush. How do they amplify their age-old skills by using the lie of the land? The fastest mammal on the planet, Cheetah’s don’t only use speed to kill. They use look out points to scan for weak prey and a baby fawn as lure to get its mother to come closer. Africa’s heavy weight the Lion is twice the weight and half the speed of the Cheetah. They need cover to hunt down their prey, so they stake out ambush points in Gullies, Marshland and Forest, lying in wait for their prey the wildebeest. We follow three characters through the Ndutu rainy season, starting with the arrival of the annual wildebeest migration, through to the wildebeest calves growing up and continuing their journey to the north-west. The film looks at how our characters use the environment and features of the landscape to their advantage. Reflecting on how they have learnt this from previous generations and will pass onto the next.
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