- 27. 12. 2024, 20:40
Our exploration will lead us into the depths of the brain and to the very sources of consciousness, for a fascinating glimpse into the process of thought. How can we decide whether a person in a coma is likely to return to consciousness? How can a person see with the tongue? Why do amputees experience phantom sensations in missing limbs? What do we have in common with the fruit fly? What are the effects of meditation on the brain? Scientific answers to these questions and others are now within our reach, thanks to stunning new research in the neurosciences. It focuses on the brain, our mental mechanisms, the connection between body and mind. Why we need to represent ourselves and others consciously in order to survive? In our quest for answers, we have met some remarkable scientists - high-ranking pioneers who are innovative yet modest. They share their discoveries and questions with us while stressing that it is vitally importance for our society to try and understand why we have conscious brains. The story of their search, across North America and Europe, will be vividly told through evocative visuals and original imagery from new brain exploration technology.
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