- 29. 12. 2024, 21:10
BIRDMAN OF LORO PARQUE. He’s known as the ‘Birdman of Loro Parque’ and Rafa, the Loro Parque Foundation Scientific Director wears the badge with pride. Every day he surrounds himself with all things ornithological - from parrots and puffins to penguins. But it’s what he’s carrying through the zoo that brings all the birds to the yard. Any guesses? You’ve heard of the film ‘How to train your Dragon’ – today Inaki has to try and train an anteater (and he’s not sure what’s proving easier)! With anteaters being the stubborn but sensitive types, Inaki’s digging deep into his bag of tricks – beginning with the old favourite, some vanilla yoghurt. Will Sue-Anne the anteater succumbs to Inaki’s tasty charms or will she thumb her (rather long) nose at him instead?
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