/ TV program



  • 30. 12. 2024, 20:30

ART OF ILLUSION. Seg 1 Animation. Animation is the process and technique that involves creating the illusion of movement from still drawings and inanimate objects. It is achieved by displaying images with slight variations in a rapid and successive manner thus making our eyes perceive the illusion of movement. Seg 2 Aviation Illusions. Aviation illusions are the sensory illusions associated with taking flight. When pilots take flight their vestibular system, the sensory system responsible for balance, is affected by conflicting stimulus from what the pilot sees and feels during flight. Seg 3 Spinning Dancer. The spinning dancer illusion is an illusion that was created by Noboyuki Kayahara. One can either perceive the dancer as spinning clockwise or counter clockwise. This phenomenon is explained by Bistable perception which states that perception can be altered subjectively just by how an object is observed. Seg 4 Mirage. Mirages are a physical optical phenomenon that can be observed when there is a difference in the temperature in the surrounding air of an area. The different temperatures of the air causes light to refract and cause weird distortions when viewed at the correct angle. This can range from weird reflections to distortions and even the appearance of floating objects. Seg 5 Rainbow Formation. Rainbows are formed as a result of sunlight being refracted and reflected by tiny drops of water in the atmosphere. The water droplets act as prism that can split the sun’s white light into the spectrum of visible colors thus creating the effect of a colorful rainbow.

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