The Tom and Jerry Show II
- 25. 11. 2024, 11:10
High Definition, širokoúhlé
In The Beginning. We open on a SOLD sign in front of what will be Rick and Ginger's house. Inside, the house is empty – no Rick, no Ginger, no Tom, no furniture. Just Jerry, who slip slides merrily across the bare floors – the place all to himself. That is until the front door opens and Rick and Ginger arrive in their new home. Ginger screams having just seen a mouse and tells Rick to get Tom out of the moving van. Like most cats in a new place, Tom doesn't want to come out from beneath the recently placed couch, but Ginger demands he catch that mouse! And so we watch the beginning of a lifelong adversarial relationship unfold one gag at a time! (15 min)
The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back. The all-new series takes another look at the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.
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