The Tom and Jerry Show II
- 27. 11. 2024, 11:05
High Definition, širokoúhlé
While using a wand to make inanimate objects come to life to attack Jerry, Tom accidentally zaps a marionette (Marie Antoin-marionette). Now the cat and mouse have more on their hands than either one of them can handle! Sure the marionette pulls Hildie and Beatie's heart-strings when they are around (both are thrilled to have another girl in the house even if she is made of wood), but the doll delights in getting Tom into trouble when the witch sisters aren't looking. When Marie becomes too much for even Jerry to bear, Tom and Jerry have to figure out how to get rid of the little hellion! They brought her into this world, now they've got to take her out! (5 min)
The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back. The all-new series takes another look at the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.
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