Mush-Mush And The Mushables
- 10. 12. 2024, 4:20
High Definition, širokoúhlé
The Disappearing Mushler. Mush-Mush can’t wait to show his tricks of forest illusion to everyone. But Amanita keeps ruining Mush-Mush’s performance by figuring out all his tricks. Grrr! When Mush-Mush decides to do his famous ‘Disappearing Mushable’ trick on Truff, Truff really disappears! And now, Amanita and Mush-Mush must join forces to find their disappearing friend. (15 min)
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the comedy adventures of the Mushable community as together they put the fun back into fungi! As pocket-sized Guardians of the Forest, each Mushable has a special gift; while Mush-Mush can communicate with nature, Lilit shines bright like the light and Chep has an impressive memory. As they get to know thier talents and their limits, the Mushables find there is still a lot to discover about growing up! A fun journey of self-discovery, exciting outdoor adventure and mush mush more!
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