The Tom and Jerry Show II
- 17. 12. 2024, 16:00
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Tom and Jerry-Geddon. Tuffy and Jerry are brushing their teeth. Tuffy's so tired he uses Jerry's tail instead of his toothbrush. They climb in their respective beds, only Tuffy's not in his bed, he's in the palm of Tom's hand that Tom's made-up to look like a bed. Tom gets walloped for his little stunt but it points out to Jerry that he needs a safer home. What begins with Jerry securing his home from Tom, turns into an arms race between the cat and mouse where they each build their own booby-trapped bunker to protect themselves from each other. They turn out to be their own greatest enemy, with the biggest threat coming from their own creations. In the end, they go back to their relatively safer existence. (5 min)
The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back. The all-new series takes another look at the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.
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