Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes
- 19. 12. 2024, 9:55
High Definition, širokoúhlé
(55 min)
Fun is elementary when everyone's favorite cat-and-mouse cutups try to outsleuth the great detective Sherlock Holmes! With jewel heists around the city of London befuddling Scotland Yard, beautiful singer Red is framed for the crimes. Only the legendary Sherlock Holmes can find the real thief, with the help of his assistant, Dr. Watson. And the renowned crime-fighting team is joined by another world-famous duo: the lovable, ever-squabbling Tom and Jerry. But finding clues and cracking the case are easy compared to keeping the peace between these raucous rivals as they scamper, scurry, scoot and speed along the streets, alleys and rooftops in the name of justice.
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