Tom and Jerry in New York II
- 19. 12. 2024, 19:25
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Cat and Mouse Burglars / Caterpillar and Mouse / The Pied Piper of Harlem / Lazy Jerry. A perky – and thieving – pop star checks into the Hotel! / Tom’s coveted flower has a secret stowaway. / A jazzy song punctuates Tom and Jerry’s waiter rivalry. / An R.C. toy mouse distracts Tom – but makes for a dangerously lazy Jerry. (30 min)
Hold on to your hats, New York! Legendary Cat & Mouse Tom and Jerry are headed to New York City, where Tom is the resident mouser at the 5-star Royal Gate Hotel – and Jerry is the up-to-no-good resident mouse. Join Tom, Jerry, Spike the bulldog, Butch the alley cat, and all of their fun, fuzzy friends as they explore the Big Apple’s world-famous landmarks, subways, and back alleys. Accompanied by a selection of original songs, our beloved characters show off their fancy, furry footwork in fun-filled action that never let’s up. Check-in at the Royal Gate Hotel and then check out the all-new Tom and Jerry in New York!
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