/ TV program


Rubble & Crew II (8)

  • 16. 12. 2024, 14:40


The Crew Builds A Smoothie Shop / The Crew Builds A Dino Roof Party. It's a hot day on the boardwalk in Builder Cove. When it starts to get too hot for the townsfolk in line for the roller coaster, Café Carl has an idea to help everyone cool off... He'll open a smoothie shop! Rubble & Crew come to the rescue, building the new smoothie shop right there at the boardwalk. But when the rumbling roller coaster causes coconut chaos, the pups need to come up with a construction solution to save the Smoothie Shop and cool off the waiting citizens. // Charger's birthday is today! Rubble and the rest of the pups want to surprise him with an awesome dinosaur-themed birthday party. First, they have to keep Charger away from the Bark Yard so they can build all the party decorations. After they decide to throw the party on the roof of Builder Cove's Dinosaur Museum, the pups have a problem. They can't get the dinosaur bounce house up the stairs to the roof! Will they find their construction solution before Charger stumbles upon his surprise?

Rubble moves with his family of construction pups to the nearby town of Builder Cove where they live, play, and build whatever the community needs.

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TV program na celý týden: ČT1, ČT2, Nova, Prima, Nova Cinema, Nova 2, Nova Action, Nova Gold, Prima Cool, Prima Love, Prima ZOOM, Barrandov

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