/ TV program


PAW Patrol II (8)

  • 17. 12. 2024, 0:50


Pups and the Big Freeze / Pups Save a Basketball Game. A winter ice storm causes trouble all over Adventure Bay. Mayor Goodway’s car hit’s an icy patch and gets stuck in the snow. The PAW Patrol races to the rescue, but the roads aren’t the only thing affected by the ice. The Engineer’s train can’t break on the icy tracks and it’s headed for a huge snow drift on the crossing! Ryder, Rubble, and EVEREST have to get there in time and clear out all the snow and ice! // Mayor Goodway challenges Mayor Humdinger’s Basketball team to a game. The only thing Mayor Goodway is missing though is a…Basketball team! She calls Ryder and the PAW Patrol for help, and Ryder thinks the pups would make a great team! The pups become the Adventure Bay All-Stars and they’ll need everyone, including a reluctant Marshall, to pitch in and help win one for Mayor Goodway and the town. Nothing but net!

PAW Patrol is a preschool series starring a pack of six heroic puppies: Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Skye, who are led by a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named Ryder. With a unique blend of problem-solving skills, cool vehicles and lots of cute doggy humor, the PAW Patrol works together on high-stakes rescue missions to protect the Adventure Bay community.From Marshall the firedog to Chase the police pup to Skye, who flies high in her copter, each pup brings unique personality and skill to the team, modeling the importance of teamwork and good citizenship. They all have special Pup Packs on their backs to help them handle anything - from rescuing kittens to saving a train from a rockslide! And no matter how big the adventure, the PAW Patrol always has time for a game, a laugh, and an ear scratch from Ryder.Fun PAW Patrol Fact: Ryder rescued all the pups and taught them their PAW Patrol skills.

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