The Tom and Jerry Show II
- 4. 1. 2025, 19:00
High Definition, širokoúhlé
Vanishing Creamed. Hildie is mixing a batch of foot balm that'll soften and beautify her gnarly-looking feet. She has Tom rub it in, nice and good. Unfortunately, the foot balm is a little too strong and makes her foot disappear. Hildie's recipe may be a foot balm bomb but it gives Tom a good idea. He'll use it to "vanish" into thin air. Jerry literally doesn't know what hit him when the invisible cat bats him around like a ball of yarn. Tom is unaware when the effects begin to wear off and Jerry is able to defend himself. When Jerry gets a hold of the cream, it's his turn to have the upper hand. A battle of the vanishing cream ensues, each using it in various ways to outwit the other. (5 min)
The iconic cat and mouse rivals are back. The all-new series takes another look at the madcap slapstick and never-ending battle that has made Tom and Jerry two of the most beloved characters of all time.
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