TOP 10: Games which kicked off a Genre (13)
- 22. 1. 2025, 21:16
These games didn't just set a new standard - they started their very own genre.
Další díly
- 10. 1. 2025, 19:00 TOP 10: Upcoming games in 2024 (13)
- 10. 1. 2025, 19:16 TOP 10: Upcoming Survival Games (13)
- 16. 1. 2025, 21:16 TOP 10: Games which kicked off a Genre (13)
- 17. 1. 2025, 21:16 TOP 10: Video Game Copycats (13)
- 23. 1. 2025, 21:16 TOP 10: Video Game Copycats (13)
Odvysílané díly
- 9. 1. 2025, 19:16 TOP 10: Games that aged like Milk (13)
- 9. 1. 2025, 19:00 TOP 10: Games that aged like Wine (13)
- 8. 1. 2025, 19:17 TOP 10: Games for your Steam Deck (13)
- 8. 1. 2025, 19:01 TOP 10: Games that Great Replayability (13)
- 7. 1. 2025, 19:16 TOP 10: Games to play instead of Starfield (13)
- 7. 1. 2025, 19:00 TOP 10: Cole's Early Access Picks (13)
- 6. 1. 2025, 19:16 TOP 10: Worst Console Launch Games (13)
- 6. 1. 2025, 19:00 TOP 10: Best Console Launch Games (13)
- 5. 1. 2025, 9:00 TOP 10: Superhero Games (11)
- 4. 1. 2025, 9:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 3. 1. 2025, 11:00 TOP 10: Best (and Worst) Reboots (11)
- 2. 1. 2025, 11:00 TOP 10: Sequels That Defined a Series (11)
- 31. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Superhero Games (11)
- 30. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 29. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Superhero Games (11)
- 23. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 22. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 21. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Video Games Relationships (11)
- 20. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Sequels That Defined a Series (11)
- 19. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Best (and Worst) Remakes (11)
- 18. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Superhero Games (11)
- 17. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 16. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Video Games Relationships (11)
- 15. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Video Games Relationships (11)
- 14. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Action Protagonists (11)
- 13. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Best (and Worst) Remakes (11)
- 12. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Superhero Games (11)
- 11. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: SuperVillain Portrayals (11)
- 10. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Video Games Relationships (11)
- 9. 12. 2024, 11:00 TOP 10: Action Protagonists (11)
- 8. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Action Protagonists (11)
- 7. 12. 2024, 9:00 TOP 10: Indie Debuts (11)
- 6. 12. 2024, 19:16 TOP 10: Video Game Copycats (13)
- 6. 12. 2024, 19:00 TOP 10: Games which kicked off a Genre (13)
- 5. 12. 2024, 19:17 TOP 10: Upcoming Survival Games (13)
- 5. 12. 2024, 19:00 TOP 10: Upcoming games in 2024 (13)
- 4. 12. 2024, 19:16 TOP 10: Games that aged like Milk (13)
- 4. 12. 2024, 19:00 TOP 10: Games that aged like Wine (13)
- 3. 12. 2024, 19:16 TOP 10: Games for your Steam Deck (13)
- 3. 12. 2024, 19:00 TOP 10: Games that Great Replayability (13)
- 2. 12. 2024, 19:16 TOP 10: Games to play instead of Starfield (13)
- 2. 12. 2024, 19:00 TOP 10: Cole's Early Access Picks (13)
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