- 1. 1. 2025, 9:40
SINIS, AN ANTIQUE CASE OF TRADITIONS. A trip to Sardinia, along the western coast, to the Sinis protected marine area and the Island of Mal di Ventre. Together with Angelo, a local diving instructor, we dive around the Catalano rocks where we swim between the basaltic columns, arches and huge eroded volcanic rocks. Back on land we visit the strange architecture of San Giovanni del Sinis and the famous historic archeological site of Tharros, one of the largest ancient cities in the Mediterranean, founded by Phoenicians and inhabited for 1900 years. We then visit the Mistras lagoon where we see thousands of Flamingos and Cormorants, and it is here that we find Giuseppe’s riding stables, where he has a center for traditional horse training which is the art of "Monta da Lavoro". And talking of tradition, we end our Sardinian journey with a close-up on Sardinian traditions, local arts and crafts, food and folklore.
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