- 2. 1. 2025, 14:30
EP. 08. The colossal elephant. The lush tropical forests of Asia hold within them some of nature's mightiest creatures.Each of these silent footsteps carries with it the immense weight of the world's largest land mammal. The intimidating birds with soaring grace and aerial prowess, birds dominate our skies. To remain the undisputed pioneers of the air most bird species are feather light and relatively small. The barrel-like Hippo Lumbering across land, the enormity of the barrel like hippo is without question. Other grass eaters are frail by comparison. The towering giraffe standing taller than any other living animal in their towering majesty is the proud and elegant giraffe. The gigantic whale the Mighty whale graces our oceans with a size and strength unrivalled on land. Three times longer than the tallest giraffe and weighing more than a dozen hippos’ the beautiful humpback whale is most famed for its mystical and haunting song. Which is the biggest of them all?
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