- 3. 1. 2025, 9:40
MAURITIUS, GONE WITH THE WIND. In the middle of the Indian Ocean, 2000 kilometres from the east coast of Africa, 800 east of Madagascar, and 220 north-east of Réunion, is the island of Mauritius, a volcanic island where different races, cultures, religions, colours and spices all live together in harmony. We visit the Ile Aix Aigrettes, a nature reserve that protects rare and interesting species such as the pink pigeon, giant tortoises, orchids and native lizards. This small island is the jewel in the crown of the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation that works for the protection of every animal and all of the vegetation in the territory. The entrance fee to the island contributes to financing the Foundations projects. Working our way south-west of the island we see the Tamarind Falls and the Le Morne Penisula, where people come from all over the world to kite surf.
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