- 3. 1. 2025, 17:40
EP. 01. In this episode we contemplate, from a safe distance, the lethal majesty of volcanoes. One of the planet's most destructive as well as spectacular natural forces. It is estimated there are up to 4,000 volcanoes on the Earth, of which annually about 50 are active volcanoes above sea level, emitting – in their eruptions – millions of tons of dust, ash and gases and endangering the lives and property of millions of people. Our trip around the earth and earthquakes takes us to some interesting places. Such as the famously hard to pronouce, Eyjafjnallajokull. This air traffic halting volcano is located in Iceland, which has long been known as the land of ice and fire! So far, a spectacular inconvenience, but for tomorrow who can say? Whether Iceland or that other volcanic hotspot Indonesia, Volcanoes are a potent reminder that at any moment old mother nature has the power to change everybody’s plans. Most especially with a so-called supervolcano, like the one at Yellowstone Park. Under Yellowstone lies the largest magma chamber in the world. Studies indicate the likelihood of the supervolcano erupting is five to ten times higher than the likelihood of Earth being hit by an asteroid.
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