- 12. 1. 2025, 13:20
EP. 02. The explosive sprinting Cheetah. The mighty bounding kangaroo…. The horned and leaping wildebeest. The powerful and sure footed horse…. Or the quick footed pronghorn… Which is the fastest over land? CHEETAH On the mighty expanse of the African savannahs a battle has been raging and evolving for millions of years. The race between predator/prey can reach astonishing speeds. PRONGHORN The fastest animal in the western hemisphere – the Pronghorn, flies across the prairies of North America. With its elegant loping run covering 6 meters with each stride the pronghorn can sustain speeds of 60 km/hr and can reach a top speed of almost one hundred. WILDEBEEST Wildebeest, the iconic roaming antelopes of the African plains, these bearded, shaggy maned and horned animals are among natures best endurance runners. Calves learn to walk within minutes of birth and can keep up with the herd within days. KANGAROO The diverse landscapes of Australia are home an alert, curious and enigmatic animal, the world's largest and fastest marsupial – the mighty kangaroo. BRUMBY Wild horses are truly a symbol of majestic power: strong , sleek elegant - the ultimate untamable free spirit, galloping unbridled across the land.: Almost a million Brumbies grace Australia's landscapes. The powerful galloping horse, the mighty hopping kangaroo, the endurance running wildebeest, the bounding pronghorn or the sprinting cheetah, which one is the most impressive across land?
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