- 12. 1. 2025, 13:50
EP. 03. Fanged Spiders with their scurrying bites. The Scorpion with its deadly sting... A sinister cold bloodied crocodile. The hypnotizing venomous snake. Or the King of Beasts, the Lion? Which one is the most dangerous? LION Giraffes are eternally majestic, buffalo formidable, but with their golden fur, regal mane and fearsome presence lions are known as the ‘King of Beasts’ SCORPIONS A barely habitable burnt corner of the earth, parched and sun drenched... Once the sun has set and temperatures drop, the night time wilderness becomes a very dangerous place. SPIDERS With long legs that weave inescapable snares, spiderlings that hatch in their hundreds….and fangs that inject lethal venom into their prey, spiders strike fear into many people. In Greek mythology the great weaving god Arachne, was turned into the first spider, while in Japanese mythology shape shifting demons often take a spider-like form. SNAKES Snakes have fascinated and terrified humans for thousands of years. In many parts of the world they are worshipped as protectors and creators. But some cultures fear snakes as devils and symbols of vengeance and death. CROCODILE Lurking in the worlds rivers, marshes and swamps lies one of the most prehistoric and dangerous predators on the planet. Stories, songs and legends have build up around them. People tremble in fear at their name.
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