- 12. 1. 2025, 17:20
A DIVERS' PARADISE. In open sea, along the Venezuelan coastline, we fly over the biggest coral atoll of the Caribbean Sea to then dive into these beautiful waters: this is the archipelago of Los Roques, surrounded by an immense coral reef that protects it from the Atlantic waves and makes it an ideal place for divers. We make our base in Gran Roque, the biggest and highest island of the archipelago and we dive into the crystal clear waters of the Los Roques National Park. Forests of coral and sea fans or gorgonian are the romantic frame for a group of box fish, busy with their courtship dances, but it is the fascination of the queen of the seas, a Manta Ray that steal the underwater scene here on Los Roques. Out of the water we sail in and around the island channels that are bordered by mangrove forests, which are full of marine life, such as the Giant Caribbean Star Fish.
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