- 14. 1. 2025, 18:10
EP. 07. In this sobering yet thrilling instalment of Desperate Hours our special focus on Geological Disasters. Now most natural disasters, including volcanoes and earthquakes are of course geological disasters. But, avalanches, landslides, blizzards and heatwaves. They don’t – usually – causes fatalities in the tens of thousands. Do they? Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. While casualty counts might be lower, geological disturbances like landslides and heat waves can cause their fair share of misery. A heat wave for instance, can be one of nature’s silent killers. India is justifiably renowned for its hot climate, but the heat wave that scorched India in the middle of this decade was something else. For two miserable weeks. In New Delhi, the 45 degree heat actually started melting roads. Ours is a dangerous world, where geological mishaps – avalanches, landslides, heat waves, sinkholes and blizzards, can spell disaster, almost as much as the big cataclysms such as earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves. It’s enough to make you want to purchase that one way ticket to Mars.
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