- 17. 1. 2025, 9:10
FLYING OVER THE WATERWAYS (VENEZUELA). On board of the strangest Cessna in the whole of Venezuela. Vittorio, a man who feels that his personal space is more in the air rather than on the round, is taking us from the North to the South, leaving from Gran Roque Island. We first fly over the Los Roques archipelago, to then land on a runway made of sand, on the island of La Tortuga, a long strip of land and sand that is inhabited only by a few fishermen. Flying again we follow the waterways of this region and re-fuel in Ciudad Bolivar, a city on the banks of the great Orinoco river, we then fly over the vast and savage territory of the Gran Sabana dominated by the Tepuy and the famous Canaima waterfall, until we reach our final destination: The Salto Angel, the highest waterfall in the world, which is named after it’s discoverer, the pilot Jimmy Angel, the idol of our friend Vittorio.
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