- 17. 1. 2025, 14:35
WATERFORD & BARROW ESTUARY. Series 8 of Distant Shores follows hosts, Paul and Sheryl Shard, on a voyage aboard their 49-foot sailboat, Distant Shores II, from the south coast of England to the Republic of Ireland where they sail to ports along the Irish Sea as they head north to Northern Ireland and Belfast where the ship Titanic was built. Next they sail to Scotland where they transit through the Crinan and Caledonian Canals, then explore the remote islands of Shetland, before crossing the notorious North Sea to the west coast of Norway. In Norway they explore the attractions in major towns as well as small fishing ports and sail down the world's longest fjord. They cross the North Sea once again to visit the Orkney Islands and Outer Hebrides of Scotland before making a passage south to the Brittany coast of France. Paul and Sheryl set sail from Chichester Harbour in England and sail to Waterford on the southeast coast of the Republic of Ireland where they learn about the production of crystal before sailing to New Ross to visit the Dunbrody emmigrant ship and join a local boater for a trip down the Barrow River, one of Ireland's inland waterways.
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